On 05/26/2014 09:21 AM, Ruediger Gad wrote:
> Why not let the users make the decision?
> I.e., we have a mailing list and a Q&A site already, just the forum is
> missing.
> So, if there were a forum as well, it would show over time how the usage
> and the user counts of the different infrastructures develops.

I know that from other projects and what happened there was that some
people use forums and some people use mailinglists. The two communities
don't have much intersection. Which might or might not be a desired
outcome depending on the size of the community.

Personally I have to say that I wouldn't use a forum or any other
web-based platform. I mean, if I really had to I'd post my question
there but I wouldn't follow discussions, since I'd need to actively
visit the forum. I prefer ML because I have one single spot where all
messages of all lists can be found and I'm reading along when I have the
time to do so.

So besides my personal opinion I just wanted to say that too many
options for discussion might lead to fragmentation instead of making
everybody happy.

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