Hi Chris,
Why don't you just update your model when the data changes? The view(s) should 
update automatically. 


On Thu Jul 10 2014 12:58:13 GMT+0100 (BST), Chris Walker wrote:
> I'm struggling with pagestack and need some help.
> My initial page loads a database and I have an option to pull down to
> add a new item. At the bottom of the 'AddItem' page, I have a check and
> if all additions are correct, it steps on to the initial page again.
> But it isn't! I have two dots at the top of the top of the screen
> indicating that it's a copy of the first page.
> If I look here -
> https://sailfishos.org/sailfish-silica/qml-sailfishsilica-pagestack.html
> I'm still confused! My call to reload the first page is
> pageStack.replace(Qt.resolvedUrl("InitialPage.qml")) so what should it
> be so that my InitialPage is at the stage it would be when the program
> starts? I'm asking that because I want the database reloaded although
> I do have this call in that page -
>     onStatusChanged: {
>         if (status === PageStatus.Activating) {
>             fillblistModel();
> Any help appreciated.
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