On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:45:08 +0100
Krisztian Olah <fasza2mob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> First off, you should place each class to its own heeader and source
> file to reduce future compile time. When you change only one class
>  you won't have to recompile everything thus it's easier to find the
> classes.
> You should use one of the Qt Sql Model classes:
> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/sql-model.html
> something like:
> logic <-------> qml
> logic <-------> databaseManager
> databaseManager <-------> databaseModel
> view <-------> databaseModel
> logic has a member function/slot to return a pointer to the model that
> qml displays in a view.
> logic also has a function/slot that takes the required data from qml
> that is needed to add  a new entry in the database. This function
> invokes a member function of databaseManager that does the real work,
> hence only databaseManager touches the database the view will
> interact with the model to which it has a pointer from logic which in
> turn asks  for the pointer from databaseManager. When a new entry is
> added databaseManager updates its model that emits the needed signals
> that informs any connected views about the changes.

What you describe is exactly what I would like to achieve with the next
version of the program but one which uses 2 databases, one provided
by an organisation called CAMRA - www.camra.org.uk and my own to record
any visits to pubs and the beers I drink there.

But that's some way away as I my programming ability needs to improve
considerably before I can do such things! When you get to my age, these
things don't come easily. Certainly they don't for me.

Perhaps I should leave things as they are on this program and
concentrate on the new one!
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