
My app uses PullDown and PushUp menus. Besides, it has a SilicaListView
inside to support multiple views inside the app (different text displayed
on each view).

    SilicaFlickable // vertical one
         PullDownMenu{ ... }
         PushUpMenu{ ... }
         SilicaListView { orientation: ListView.Horizontal; snapMode:
ListView.snapOneItem; ... }

1. If the menu has been used, most gestures are stealed by the top
Flickable and it's difficult to switch views. if a view has been switched,
it's easy to go back to the view. How to cope with this (make all swipes -
both horizontal and vertical of equal importance)

2. How to properly indicate to the user, that there are still views left?
Should I do it the same way as the PullDownMenu indicates? Simply allowing
to go out of bounds for a little?

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