I don't mind the fact that they are missing, I mind the fact that the SDK
doesn't give a clear error and that it is not documented, instead of
spending my time in a useful way I spent it trying to solve a problem that
wasn't there because the error doesn't read "not implemented" but rather a
potentially normal error that could be caused by a ton of different

2016-06-13 12:24 GMT+03:00 Alexey Andreyev <yetanotherandre...@gmail.com>:

> Hello! I'm not from Jolla, but I'm also working with the SDK.
> As I can see, Jolla is not a super-huge company, but there are a lot of
> hard tasks to solve...
> I know some guy (also not from Jolla) who also needs some missing SDK
> emulator features (let's say GPS coords, etc),
> if you want to help, we can start some project to implement missing SDK
> features for the emulator.
> 2016-06-13 11:00 GMT+03:00 E.S. Rosenberg <
> es.rosenberg+sailfishos....@gmail.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> After a week of trying to get sound working on the SDK only to discover
>> that the issue is the SDK doens't support it while my code works on my
>> phone I can only say I a very miffed.
>> Why doesn't the error message in the SDK reflect the fact that it
>> shouldn't work?
>> Or the docs, why is there no mention of this?
>> Why do I need to find a forum discussion that says "Oh yes, use your
>> phone as a deploy device instead"?
>> I hope someone from Jolla on the list sees this and does something about
>> it, because waisting your developers' time is just about the best way of
>> showing you don't respect them.
>> Regards,
>> Eli
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