Upps. Part 2 (accidentally pressed send) 

Am Montag, 22. Oktober 2018, 19:27:07 CEST schrieb dep:
> I'd hope to add notifications, preferably via daemon in
> the same way that we can get texts without the Messages app being open,
> and a proper download path for attachments and such

That is hard as the current webengines (gecko or qtwebkit) don't support 

> So I hope there's a very
> basic browser out there that can be hacked rather than my trying to
> reinvent the wheel with little knowledge other than wheels being round.

I hope there is something coming with SailfishOS 3 there should be QtWebEngine 
coming that 
in theory should support what you need and is overall a far more modern 
webengine as it is 
based on the blink engine (which Chromium/Chrome uses) 

So maybe waiting for the SailfishOS 3 release is better for now. 

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