
On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 17:42 +0300, Enver ALTIN wrote:
> Also I'm trying to make mbuni configure find the Kannel installation
> in /home/apps/kannel with no luck, --with-kannel-dir=/home/apps/kannel
> doesn't seem to work for me. I think some autoconf magic is needed,
> which I'm simply not capable of doing.

Replying to myself, my problem was the gw-config script of the Kannel
sources had a relative path pointing to the installation directory.
Please disregard this.

Now I have other problems compiling Mbuni, which arise probably because
I'm trying it with Kannel CVS Head. I think Stipe renamed all the list_*
functions to gwlist_* a long time ago to prevent namespace pollution and
naming conflicts with libmysqlclient-4.1.x series.

I'm going to rename all occurences of list_* functions to gwlist_* soon
and post a patch for that soon.

..O   Enver ALTIN                   |   http://skyblue.gen.tr/
OOO   Software developer @ Parkyeri | http://www.parkyeri.com/

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