
On Wed, Aug 31, 2005, Paul Bagyenda wrote:
> Yes, Mbuni is relying on Kannel doing the splitting (too much trouble  
> at this stage to split it ourselves).

 The "SMS sent" count returned by the Kannel status interface is only
 incremented by one for these SMS messages bigger than reasonable.  Is
 this a Kannel issue?  Does Kannel support splitting messages when using
 the "sendsms" CGI with UDH parameters?  Maybe I need CVS' Kannel?

>  What Mbuni doesn't do (and should do really) is pay close attention  
> to size limits as spelt out in the MMS spec. For instance, From,  
> Subject and To fields should not exceed certain lengths (section  
> 10.2.5 of OMA-MMS-CONF-v1_2). I believe this is the real problem.  
> Anybody want to do some work on this?

 While this might be a lack of Mbuni, the problem happens even when the
 From and To aren't sent in the notification (optimize-notification-size
 = yes), with a long host-alias.  :-/

   Thanks for your comments,

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