Michel Dänzer wrote:

 sorry for the delay, I didn't get messages Cc: ed, but have subscribed noew and 
archive. ;)

On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 09:14 -0700, Tim Roberts wrote:
> > >>(**) RADEON(0): *Mode "1400x1050": 108.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.6 kHz, 60.8 > >>Hz
> >>(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "1400x1050" 108.00 1400 34208 34320 1672 1050 1050 > >>1053 1063
> >>(**) RADEON(0): *Mode "1280x1024": 108.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.6 kHz, 60.8 > >>Hz
> >>(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "1280x1024" 108.00 1280 34208 34320 1672 1024 1050 > >>1053 1063
> >>(**) RADEON(0): *Mode "640x480": 108.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.6 kHz, 60.8 Hz
> >>(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "640x480" 108.00 640 34208 34320 1672 480 1050 1053 > >>1063
> >>(**) RADEON(0): *Mode "800x600": 108.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.6 kHz, 60.8 Hz
> >>(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "800x600" 108.00 800 34208 34320 1672 600 1050 1053 > >>1063
> >>(**) RADEON(0): *Mode "1024x768": 108.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.6 kHz, 60.8 > >>Hz
> >>(II) RADEON(0): Modeline "1024x768" 108.00 1024 34208 34320 1672 768 1050 1053 > >>1063
> >
> > These aren't right. Every mode in the list (including the 7 default > modes I deleted) is shown as having a pixel clock of 108 MHz, horiz of > 64.6 kHz, and vert of 60.8 Hz. The sync and blank numbers in the > modeline are bonkers, too.
> > Is this a general issue in the 4.4.99 release, or only for this gentleman?

This is business as usual with the radeon driver driving a digital
connector and not a problem here.

My question to the original poster would be whether he absolutely needs
UseFBDev and if yes, what for?

No, I don't need it. Actually, I don't know what is it really usefull for. I thought it is required for DRI.

Anyway, is someone going to fix the code (wherever the code resides) or at least
will someone document it in some readme file under xc/ tree?

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