Random idea: can't we use Android's Services API to do a
"QtLibrariesFolderPathRequest", and only the first Android-Qt
application (with the 'Ministro-built-in', building on OP's idea) that
gets an empty/null string from the service request goes on to download
the libraries to it's local folder and then from then on that
application sets up a service to provide the
"QtLibrariesFolderPathRequest" to all future Android-Qt applications
that are installed?

Downside: uninstalling your *first* Android-Qt application will result
in deletion of the Qt libs, so running of the 2nd through N downloaded
Android-Qt applications will re-download them and will do the service
responding from then on.
^^^this con does suck (waste of bandwidth), but the con of "install
ministro + re-launch app" sucks more (for end users (retards) at


1) Download Qt-Android App
2) Launch it
3) Ministro/Java-stub (the same piece that currently redirects to
Ministro in Google Play) does a "QtLibrariesFolderPathRequest"
        3a) If it gets an empty/null string, it downloads the libraries to
it's local/writeable directory
        3b) Sets up a service provider for "QtLibrariesFolderPathRequest"
pointing to it's local dir
4) It and all future Qt-Android applications can now find the
libraries through the service call

Lastly, we use random folder names (or at least make sure they aren't
in use) and probably even Qt version API specifications as arguments
in the Android API Service call.


Slightly OT but not worth another email: Re: Proposal: Adding a
repository in Qt Project for the Ministro tool, needed by Qt for
Android ...... I think if Ministro is NOT seen by the users (as
described by OP and myself here), then it can remain named Ministro
because who cares. BUT if it is seen by the users (they are redirected
to it in Google Play), we should definitely rename it to something
more 'utilitarian' such as "Qt Library Downloader"/"Qt Library
Installer" (etc). Also, it's much easier to change the name now
(especially since it barely matters (in-after bike shedding)) than to
change it later.

Lazlo said:
"Perhaps simply just to the point: "Dependency Installer/Store"?"
^^The problem with "dependency installer" is that it now implies
"dependencies for Qt [installer]" to anyone trying to build Qt from
source etc. Not a HUGE problem, but definitely worth thinking about.
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