On Sun, 4 Jan 2004, gbl - smedevelopment wrote:

> I'm developing a Extension for QMAIL-SMTP Port Change in SME6.0

I'd suggest that you do that via a minor modification to the existing 
email config panel.

> When I run the following Script - started within the SME Webmanager - I 
> get a permission error in the line with the processTemplate statement.
> But the scripts runs well even I loggen on as root in a console!

That means that your panel script is not setuid root, which means that you 
are not building the file list in your RPM using genfilelist (from 

> esmith::util::processTemplate (\%conf, 
> "/var/service/smtpfront-qmail/runenv");
> system("/sbin/service smtpfront-qmail restart") == 0
>   or die ("Error occured while reconfiguring QMail.\n");
> exit (0);

Some comments:

- There's no QMail, only qmail.

- You shouldn't be writing another script which expands the template for 
/var/service/smtpfront-qmail/runenv, you should be reusing the one which 
already exists (mailfront-conf-env) via a symlink in your event directory. 
This point becomes moot if you re-use the existing panel and its event 
directory (email-update).

- I wouldn't bother to change the port which smtpfront-qmail listens on.  
I'd just set up a port forward from the alternative port to port 25. That
way your LAN clients can still do SMTP on the standard port, and you won't
need to restart the smtpfront TCP listener. Note that I'm not sure whether
it's possible using the current portforwarding package to portforward to a
port local to the server. If not, then you'll need to change the
portforwarding package to make that possible.

Charlie Brady                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mitel Networks Corporation      http://www.mitel.com/
Phone: +1 (613) 592 5660 or 592 2122  Fax: +1 (613) 592 1175

A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
Q: Why should i start my reply below the quoted text?

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