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Greg Zartman said the following on 12/16/2003 7:28 PM:

| It was necessary to take organizational conversations private as
| everyone was running around talking about wild ideas and nothing was
| getting done.  Please be assured that 95% of what's being discussed
| off-list at this time is organizational in nature (e.g., how are we
| going to move the lists, what bug tracking are we going to use, what's
| our next move, how are we going to organize the troops, do we use
| sourceforge or don't we, etc, etc.) There are lots of people that want
| stuff to do, but without some kind of organization, nothing will get
| done.   These types of things can't be done by simply type chatting in
| an open forum.

I agree that this can't be done in an open forum, all of the discussions
here prove that, but it still doesn't have to be behind closed doors.
The read only list was a wonderful idea. If there is a problem with
someone emailing with questions or suggestions rather than posting to
the appropriate forum, remove *that person*, not all of the rest of us.

| Remember, this is a GPL project. If you or anyone else | wants to spin this off another direction. Please feel free to do so at | any time.

I think *that* would be a little premature :)

| I can honestly say that it is no small undertaking to
| establish a venue for a GPL community of this type.I think many would
| be very surprised at the number of hours that several individuals are
| donating to setting up an infrastructure at contribs.org for this
| community.

Then show us. If we can see what is going on I'm sure we will all be
more patient.

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