On 01/05/2014 10:34 AM, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> First off, themes *are* filtered. Secondly, he's talking about freesites

I can't find a place where they are filtered. The Configuration > Web
Interface > "Override the CSS with a custom one" setting has "WARNING:
CSSes can be dangerous and won't be filtered! use at your own risks." in
its description. It is served through StaticToadlet, and StaticToadlet
does not perform filtering. [0][1]

> mainly, and I agree we need more CSS3 support. Work on the content
> filter (src/freenet/client/filter/CSSTokenizerFilter.java) is fairly
> self-contained and not dependant on any larger refactoring: Just keep it
> reasonably clean and *strictly whitelist only* (i.e. only pass what you
> understand, stick to the spec, be conservative even within the spec e.g.
> just because it's okay to put quotes in a class id doesn't mean we
> should allow it, see the mXSS stuff for why), and it could be a big gain
> for a relatively small amount of work.


> [snip]


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