On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 4:55 PM, Matthew
Toseland<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> AFAICS no. I'm not saying we should go with a static only host, I'm saying we 
> shouldn't
> make dynamic that which doesn't need to be, on grounds of CPU cost (which 
> determines
> responsiveness in practice). Modern systems (even apache 2 to a reasonable 
> degree)
> can serve static content ridiculously fast, that's not true of dynamic 
> content.

Oh come on now, this argument is just as implausible.  Are you
seriously claiming that there will be a consequential difference in
speed (in terms of user experience) between a statically served page,
and a page that is dynamically generated in response to a simple test
of a HTTP header?

Research I've seen is that response time only has a measurable effect
if its over 100ms, and only a perceptible slowness if its over 700ms.
I can't believe that, unless we're running our web server on an Atari
800XL, that there will be any significant difference in response time
just because the page is dynamically generated.


Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
Email: ian at uprizer.com
Ph: +1 512 422 3588
Fax: +1 512 276 6674

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