
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:14 AM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT
Team <webmas...@environmentalchange.net> wrote:

> Hi, Pascal,
> I'am still catching up with the XWiki 2.0. I can more or less understand
> what you are saying about Magnolia, JCR, MVC and the CMS
> authoring/public pair (I've seen this in OpenCMS, but I am not sure this
> is also truth in Joomla, for instance), but I've not been able yet of
> having an in depth look to the new XWiki 2.0 and its brand new WYSIWYG
> editor. In fact, I keep using the XWiki edition mode. I guess there are
> a lot of new features concerning skin customization in this new release
> but it is possible there are not documented yet.
> Also, there is an open project, XWiki Skin Extensions,
> http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XSKINX, devoted to convert the skin
> extension module intro a proper component.
> Have you seen this...
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Skins

Yes I have seen this...
As I said, you can customize everything you want in XWiki, even the skin...
but it is not quite easy without lots of scripting and CSS-styling etc...
And what's interesting in Drupal, Joomla or Magnolia is that you can easily
find skin templates on the web with all the UI components needed to build a
website and there are also modules that allow to customize graphically the
look&feel of your website. Generally I Don't want to spend too much time on
skin design when I begin a new web project... I want to focus on the
content, not on the skin...


> Cheers,
> Ricardo
> --
> Ricardo Rodríguez
> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
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