It happens that myself, Osamu and Dominique have all looked into the issue of how to support and maintain the new copyright format. It's presumably not a coincidence then that we all found ourselves contributing to devscripts.

I am actually feeling quite ambivalent about my tool. On the one hand I don't see why anybody would take a different approach. On the other hand it is still immature and an utter pain to use. Thankfully it's focus is not on generating the file but keeping it uptodate.

So my concrete proposal is that once the 2.15.10 (or should it be 2.16.0?) is uploaded the three of us all try out our tools and see which works best, and how they work together.

On 06/12/15 01:01, James McCoy wrote:
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 08:51:13PM +0000, Nicholas Bamber wrote:

     I have been looking into the debian/copyright file (which happens to be
raising a lintian error).

Perhaps you mean “happens to be raising a pedantic severity diagnostic”?

I have a tool, license-reconcile, which I admit
is a very immature piece of code, that attempts to reconcile
debian/copyright to the source code. This can I think be used to get this
right and keep it right. I had  a go at trying it on devscripts and I attach
what I currently have.

Whether by hand or tool, it's useful to have this properly documented
and easier to keep up from there on.  Feel free to update the copyright

  The license-reconcile script uses licensecheck but has a config file to
guide it when licensecheck cannot read human. I can keep this file privately
but it would be more collaborative to add it to the debian directory.

Why in debian/? If you find it generally useful, maybe add it to
devscripts itself.


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