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Here's the test method that I implemented Sat nite:  One way to do this
is to use the bootp client that comes with redhat linux (assuming you
only need to test the basic functionality of the dhcp server).

This script runs periodically on B, to test the dhcp server A and to turn
on B's dhcp if bootp fails (or to turn off B's dhcp if bootp succeeds).
Another script also runs periodically to copy the dhcpd.conf and leases
files from the dhcp server.

# load status function
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# define some vars
NOMESSAGE="Bootp failed."
YESMESSAGE="Bootp succeeded."
IFCONFIG='echo ifconfig'
ROUTE='echo route'
BINHOST='echo hostname'
TW="--timeoutwait 30"

# Perform the bootp client attempt
if ${BOOTPC} --dev ${DEV} --server ${ASKSERVER} ${RIF} ${TW} > ${TMPFILE}

then # bootpc succeeded and got an ip num
  rm -f ${TMPFILE}
  echo ${YESMESSAGE}
  # if dhcpd is running, stop it.
  status /usr/sbin/dhcpd && /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd stop
else # bootpc failed to get an ip num
  echo ${NOMESSAGE}
  # if dhcpd is not running, start it.
  status /usr/sbin/dhcpd || /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd start
exit 0


Leo Wierzbowski


"The Alliance is purely defensive in purpose: none of its
 weapons will ever be used except in self-defence ..."
 (NATO New Strategic Concept, Nov 1991,

 "The University of Florida does not endorse or
 disendorse the content of this document.
 Everything is the author's private opinion."

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