Hello All

"Learning Networks Through Cross-Aggregation?" <http://www.digitaldivide.net/blog/Claude/view?PostID=6259> is something preparatory I wrote for what might become an ADISI www.adisi.ch project, aiming both at creating learning networks through cross aggregation and to bring home the importance of RSS feeds and their aggregation here in Italian-language Switzerland. But before going further, I'd be grateful if someone was ready to check it, especially for factual mistakes, and in particular in the third part:

"The Bellinzona Liceo students' blog is a great start, but it could be further developped.

You could have several similar initiatives, where each would have subject-specific blogs or groups producing RSS feeds [4], which they would gather in a feed-aggregating page (bloglines ones or similar). These separate feed-aggregating pages could then be enriched by subscribing to each other's feeds, and used to create a general aggregating page for all these initiatives. Individual students would then be able to pick the feeds they want to subscribe to in the personal news aggregators on their computers.

Considering the overall feed lliteracy in Italian speaking Switzerland [5],though, it might be necessary to first have a few 3D meetings about feed aggregation – and to make a specific exploratory blog about it, which could be aggregated in turn ;-)

[4] There could be blog entries linking to what does not get included in feeds: files and pictures that are uploaded elsewhere online, with instructions on how to download them.

[5] Telling example of this illiteracy: the site of the Swiss Italian TV-Radio Coorporation, RTSI <www.rtsi.ch>, does not have a RSS feed."

If you accept to check this, please make your comments either in the comments to <http://www.digitaldivide.net/blog/Claude/view?PostID=6259>, or by e-mailing me directly.

Thank you in advance,

Have nice week-end!

Claude Almansi
Castione, Switzerland

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