Hi Phil,

I'm honestly not sure if Slashdot is the community we should be targeting. Frankly, I find a lot of the "conversation" that takes place on Slashdot as shrill and rude. It's a huge website, sure, but I don't care for some of the interpretations of "community" that seem to arise from the nasty arguments that take place there.


Phil Shapiro wrote:

hi everyone -

   the web site slashdot (http://www.slashdot.org) is becoming
increasingly popular. the site currently gets 18 million unique
visitors each month. that number keeps rising. within the next year or
two slashdot might rise to have 50 to 100 million unique visitors per

    anyone can submit a "story" (item) to slashdot. this morning i
submitted a story which asked about the feasibility of controlling
see http://shorterlink.com/?J5RVAB

     you'll note that there's a link to my DDN profile from my name at
the beginning of this slashdot story.

     that link will be followed by some reporter out there wondering
about the credibility of the person who posted the slashdot item.
that same reporter may end up wondering about the nature and extent
of the Digital Divide Network web site.

     here is what you can do to help. visit the slashdot web site often
and tell people you know about the site. in my eyes, slashdot is
part of the  emerging alternate media. if the site grows to have 100
million unique visitors per month, it will become an even stronger
cultural force than it is now.

     how much web traffic does a slashdot story drive to a web site? it
depends on how interesting the story is.  a few months ago, 40,000
people visited the Digital Bicycle web site the week after this
story appeared on slashdot.   http://shorterlink.com/?3K7VUA.    i
have a hunch even more people visited the Wink web site.

     in sum, use the tools you know about to achieve the ends you seek to

       blog on,

           - phil

btw, getting a story accepted on slashdot is pretty difficult these days.
they probably accept less than one percent of submitted stories.

the best way of knowing what kinds of stories they like to run (and the
appropriate ways to word a story) is to follow the slashdot web site.

if you'd like to submit a story to slashdot and would like feedback on how
likely slashdot would accept it, feel free to send me an email off list.
yes, there is the possibility that some of the most interesting stories on
slashdot originate from people in the DDN community.

Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com

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