Chris wrote:

>I am interested to know if anyone recommends any good 
>websites/articles/organizations regarding the provision of "basic" 
>technologies of development (like wells and electricity). 
Oddly enough, this is one of my pet projects that will be on - among other things. The schedule for that *was* the end
of this month, but I had a bit of a personal upset in my life which has
pushed things back. I'm pushing for a website opening of January 1st, 2006.

My late father and I had been working on various plans for practical
renewable energy usage, as well as other things, and he had agreed to
make them Open Content since... in our opinions (we agreed on something)
the only way to make sure that these things get used was to allow people
to modify the designs to their own situations, and to make these plans
available at no cost.

Water is something that we had also considered carefully, at least for
the Caribbean region, and once I get back to Trinidad and Tobago I'll be
attempting a practical system to minimize usage of water from the mains,
since the water where I live is problematic. In this scenario, it won't
be a well but a rain collection and purification system that uses solar
power, with a draw off for heated water.

I will also recommend - when I returned for
my father's funeral last month, I had found he had continued work and
had been corresponding with Graham Knight and sharing some ideas as
well. I am still going through his notes; I am fortunate that he had
started working electronically, and all the documents and notes are in
OpenOffice and the Gimp.

There are plenty of resources. The main problem is that the practicality
of putting things together and explaining why certain things are used
isn't usually done properly, if at all. And the other side is that you
can't teach creativity or common sense - which a lot of these things are.

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Georgetown, Guyana

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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