Chris wrote:

I am interested to know.... provision of "basic" technologies of development (like wells and electricity). ... I know nothings about what it takes to, say, get some solar panels or a water purifier up and running.
What does it take to get "basic" technologies up and running?
In my experience with CawdNet there are certain essential elements that need to be combined:
1 - A local need for the "basic" technology.
2 - Outside expertise - about the "basic" technology - that will ensure technical efficiency. I'll call that kind of knowledge the "GoodIdea" expertise. 3 - Local expertise - about local culture and conditions - that will enable successful adaptation and implementation of the GoodIdea. I'll call people providing that knowledge "community consultants" - they should be locals. 4 - A communication system that will enable the GoodIdea experts and the community consultants to "rub minds" effectively (this of course is where ICTs can have an exciting part to play, and is where CAWD's network called CawdNet comes in). 5 - Enormous good will, patience and stubborn determination on both sides to make things *really work properly*. (Its not too difficult to create a good photo opportunity; or an impressive press release or web page, if you have the time and resources. It is quite different to work out long term successful implementations of solutions to real problems. Long term success can require a huge learning curve. It can be messy, it is slow and may include false starts and wrong assumptions - at least that is our experience - if you can help us to do it better come and join in!) 6 - Technology transfer - skill development, acquisition of equipment, arrangements for sustainability. 7 - Sufficient funds to make it happen. 8 - Vision and determination to carry it through.

CawdNet associates in Nigeria are currently hammering out the practicalities of a wide variety of GoodIdeas - from high tech to domestic practicalities.

If any list members are interested in active involvement in implementing "basic" technology, or any other kind of GoodIdeas for development - or in exploring more about the process - please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] (If you previously tried to contact me by registering with around June/July please get in contact again - a "learning curve glitch" meant some registrations failed to reach me.)

Come and "rub minds" with us.


Pamela McLean
CawdNet convenor
CAWD is the UK registered Charity for African Welfare and Development

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