> Hi Joe,
> edc's overhead is closer to 35 percent. But that isn't the major factor -
> it's more that there's been a downturn in funding digital divide projects
> and online communities....
> Andy Carvin

Here's my take. I manage a service that like many good projects began as a
volunteer project and is now largely grant-funded, with some very wonderful
legacy volunteers still involved. We've been extremely fortunate to get the
support we do. We are thinking about ways to not lean on one generous
organization to keep us funded, both in terms of equity (one state funds
us... everyone benefits... let's fix that) and in terms of sustainability
(all the eggs in one basket etc.).

We brainstorm a lot of ideas. One is to sell services, which we have had
some small but successful ventures at. (You can be a nonprofit and sell
things. We're technically not a nonprofit but the principle stands.) Another
other is to partner with organizations who can share some special benefits
of our organization while participating in the cost-sharing as well. A third
is to do NPR-style fund drives and/or simply ask for donations. A fourth is
to heavily promote a store (tchotchkes for a good cause, basically). A fifth
is to get more aggressive about grants (though grant dependency is hard, as
you know). There are undoubtedly more. None of it is easy... all of it takes
(or in the case of new ventures, will take) a lot of time that I'd rather
use on developing and promoting the actual service itself. I would still
rather go out and raise the money for our services than return to a model
where volunteer services drove the mission. I say that, however, not being
in your shoes. 

In any event, you have my sympathy. 

Craigslist is having a nonprofit boot camp in SF next month. I don't know if
you can afford to go, but I'm going. (It's a car ride and $50 for me!) 

Maybe some of us nonprofit types should trade shoes for a month... I could
run DDN and you could be a digital librarian. It could be rejuvenating. :-)

Karen G. Schneider
Librarians' Index to the Internet
http://lii.org [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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