KV9U wrote:

>  I am at that point that I could switch, even if I have to give up
>  some of the software that I prefer, since I have retired and do not
>  absolutely have to have certain Windows only software that I used to
>  require in my business.
>  Years ago I had a Linux dual boot and managed to correct my MBR and
>  did not know what to do to get back to Windows, however, now I think
>  I can repair that if it happens again so that would be an
>  alternative.
>  Are there any hams who have recently completely switched over to
>  Linux?
>  If so, can you comment on the pros and cons of your experience?
>  Are there any good discussion groups that cover this topic?
>  Has anyone had any success yet with the XP version of Win4Lin and
>  running the serial ports? This seems to be the only stumbling block.
>  73,
>  Rick, KV9U


I chose since 1998 that BBS's  run in Linux.

I have not made the full switchover myself.

Call it lazyness to leave what has worked for me,
ignorance of what could be a similar solution....

Sadly, linux-hams is quasi dead. It was well alive ten years ago,
and I learned a LOT there.

On Linux, you can solve a few things with wine. Calc98 works,
also Irfanview does, and MultiPSK complains that it cannot find the
mixer...but works. Video apps do not work so far. I have a half installed
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. Loading the needed libraries has been a nightmare
with my provider...

It COULD behave even better with Crossover Office, but never used it.

VMware so far has proven to be a delay line....used qemu a little,
but need to dig deeper.

73 de Jose, CO2JA
Linux User 91155


XIII Convención Científica de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
28/noviembre al 1/diciembre de 2006
Cujae, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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