Then, we need a codesmith that does away with those inaccurate assertions.

The bona fide attempts of Rick with SCAMP has opened a can of worms...
I don't even think he foresaw this, as many think it is simpler than it 
really is to do it WELL. It is no kids play.

Let's wait for the magic code.

Jose, CO2JA

Dave Bernstein wrote:
>>>> AA6YQ comments below
> --- In, "Jose A. Amador" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> Seems I did not make my point. A large portion of Winlinks popping
> "out of nowhere" is because some  H I D D E N   (in the skip zone)
> user has  triggered it.
>>>> That's exactly right, Jose. But if WinLink properly included a
> busy frequency detector, then it would refrain from responding to 
> that H I D D E N user -- as would a human operator under the same 
> circumstances. But since WinLink doesn't include a busy frequecy 
> detector, and since WinLink doesn't respond to an operator sending
> "QRL, please QSY", it blasts away, QRMing the pre-existing QSO.
> Andy, wasn't there another list to discuss this "I hate Winlink" 
> stuff?
>>>> There is indeed another list for discussing policy. Addressing
> inaccurate technical assertions seems in-scope for this list.
> 73,
> Dave, AA6YQ


V Conferencia Internacional de Energía Renovable, Ahorro de Energía y Educación 
22 al 25 de mayo de 2007
Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

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