--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, Chuck Mayfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Suggestion:  Don't wait for an OO. Look up his call at QRZ.com, get 
> his phone number, give him a call and talk to him about the 
> problem.  The op probably does not know that he is over-driving his

I've done this maybe a dozen times in the past few years, though I
don't call on the phone, just email when I can find it.  I always
include a polite note and a MixW screenshot of the offending signal,
and make sure to indicate other good signals in the passband, so it
can't be just put down to line level issues, etc.

I think I've actually gotten a "Thanks! I'll drop my drive level down
next time" maybe twice.  A few never responded back, and the remainder
were of the "F-you, there's nothing wrong with my signal or equipment"
style.  Needless to say, you can recognize the same guys over and over
again in the passband without even clicking on their trace to decode
them, like a certain kt4* who doesn't seem capable of ever turning his
amp off.

- Rich

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