
>We have had PSK and RTTY and APRS users for DECADES
>and because they take up similar space they do not
>cause a problem AND they have place themselves AWAY
>from most other users .....

This is what bandplanning, gentlemen's agreements, and cooperation 
give us.  Your example shows how a 32 Hz mode is living amongst 3 kHz 
and 16 KHz modes.

>however you know unlike
>the 5 watt comments What we see on 6 is the HIGH power
>boys crawl out of the woodwork at the slightest band
>opening NOW .... take 500 100 kHz wide 1KW signals mix
>them and add in how intense skip at 50 MHz can be and
>it will sound like Cb .......

What if we said: take 2500 20 kHz wide 1KW signals mix
them and add in how intense skip at 50 MHz can be and
it will sound like Cb?

>Last year i sent out over 300 QSL cards on 6 SSB alone
>also a smaller number on 52.525 FM and a handful on
>50.4 AM I have PSK-31 but at this time it is not
>working correctly but one opening MANY psk-31 stations
>were on 6 along with the CW/SSB/AM and FM guys.

I have worked 6 on PSK31.  It is quite fun.

>IF the ARRL had restricted it to ABOVE 50.5 and BELOW
>51.5 Most of us could live with it because that part
>of the band is VERY lightly used and far enough away
>from weak signal users that it would not be likely to
>cause problems .

This can be done with bandplanning.  We cannot assume that the folks 
who would choose to run 100kHz signals are unlawful or uncooperative types.

>This is NOT a digital must be stopped thing but a
>digital needs to be able to live with all the other
>modes .....

Agreed, and we must have faith in our fellow ham.

>I must remind you only the good die young .....
>And I'm not known for being good .....



Mark N5RFX

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