There is a fairly significant difference between PSKmail and 
Winlink2000. Assuming that an individual even supports the concept of 
internet connections via radio, it would be nearly impossible to 
substitute one system for the other and have a similar outcome.

PSKmail: ultra narrow bandwidth (with current protocol), low 
interference potential to other stations. Only runs on Linux OS which 
95% of hams in the U.S. do not use or have any current interest in using 
so can never become popular here, but other areas may be better. Very 
slow transmission rate impractical for long messages. Servers can be set 
up by anyone and at any location. Basically free or very low cost system.

Winlink2000: has potential for relatively fast  transmission rates (for 
radio link speeds) on both HF and VHF, but with extremely wide bandwidth 
modes.  Practical system for casual users who travel, due to centralized 
system, making it possible to retrieve messages through different 
connections. HF Servers very limited in location and location decided by 
the controllers of the system. Extremely expensive to set up.

Both systems use the internet for most of the pathway. Winlink 2000 
tends to be more fragile due to the many different server configurations 
that it must work through, but makes it more convenient because it 
doesn't matter which server you use.

There would have to be a MS OS system developed in order to compete with 
the existing Winlink 2000 system here in the U.S. Also, the system would 
have to use a much faster protocol than PSKmail to be practical.

In practical terms, it seems that Winlink 2000 is ideal for the 
traveling ham who wants a commercial access point to the internet for 
casual e-mail and that it doesn't matter which access point is used, the 
addressee still gets the mail .

A MS OS, higher speed version of PSKmail would likely work better for a 
direct link into the internet from a user who is at a fixed location or 
not moving too much, and can access the same server each time. It could 
be via VHF, but more likely it would be more successful using HF if the 
distance is very far. In my area, that might be 20 miles or so:(


Rick, KV9U

Walt DuBose wrote:
> Dave,
> In the ARRL's defense, when they looked at WinLink at their Board Meeting, 
> there 
> was nothing else on the technology front that could do what WinLink was 
> doing. 
> And until PSKMail came out, there WAS NOTHING to equal WinLink.
> So if everyone "hates" WinLink, why don't we see hundreds of PSKMail servers 
> on 
> line in the U.S. confronting WinLink?
> And spare me the "well its not MS" because one could just as well have 
> written a 
> PSKMail type applications for MS.  Rein just felt comfortable in using Linux. 
> And if MS can't support an applications such as PSKMail, then use WinLink or 
> change to Linux.
> This is of course a hard line to sell and to agree with...but when it comes 
> down 
> to the bottom line, if you don't like a mode or applications, find another or 
> pay or beg someone to create/write the applications you want.  I didn't have 
> to 
> beg Rein, PSKMail just fell out of the sky like a welcome rain on a parched 
> land.
> The thing that I hope all of remember is that amateur radio is a past-time/ 
> hobby/adversion but one of great capabilities and responsibility.  We each 
> need 
> to do what we are capable of doing to afford the greater group the best of 
> capabilities.  In some cases it might be only a "well done" or "thanks".  But 
> I 
> am sure that those who are doing the in the trenches work really appreciate 
> being told that they ARE appreciated.
> And thanks for your effort in amateur radio.

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