
Thanks for the feedback, but it wasn't intended to be CIVIL,
just as Bruce's uninformed rants about a mode he has never
experienced are not intended to be anything but bothersome.

I like Bruce when he sticks to something he knows about, but
when he starts rambling on and on about some test mode maybe
he will never even hear on his AM, SSB, or FM receiver that is
maybe 10 years in the future when we are both SKs, it gets
really BORING.

Vy 73,
John - K8OCL

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Roger J. Buffington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2007 08:54:36 -0700

John Champa wrote:
 >  Bruce,
 >  When are you ever going to stop your babling ignorance about wide
 >  band HSMM on 6-meters?
 >  You are worried about 100 kHz when the band maybe opens in a few
 >  years out of a 4,000 kHz wide band. Get real! Attach brain to
 >  keyboard.
 >  I am getting very tired of reading about something you know
 >  absolutely nothing about, as in cognitive radio DSP design.
 >  Please knock it off, and stick with things you have EXPERIENCED. Your
 >  comments are much more worthwhile and enjoyable in that context.
Not a very civil post.

de Roger W6VZV

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