
Go get a life.  I am not leading or selling ANYTHING.

I am telling you that from here the 6M band is DEAD.
And, the 100 kHz segment I would like the Plan to set aside for
HSMM testing is up around 53-54 MHz, and NOT on any "frequencies that are 
aside for weak signal, DXing, radio control, etc."

Of course, it would be coordinated in each area with the local FM
repeater coordinating group, just like we have always done.

%$#&  how many times to I have to write that?

Now can we get back to the talking about the subject?

Thank you,
& vy 73,
John - K8OCL

----Original Message Follows----
Reply-To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Comments to ARRL on New Digi Protocols
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2007 14:32:22 -0500


Look at your continued choice of language! You just do not have a clue
about leadership or you would never talk like that. You are
intentionally polarizing and increase, rather than decrease opposition
to what you think you are promoting.

Be careful when you start to make claims of what others may or may not
have experienced, since unless you know the person well, you don't have
that knowledge. Many of us, myself included, have had many opportunities
to lead many efforts over our lifetime, both work related and volunteer.
As a mostly retired person I continue to work with volunteer efforts,
amateur radio included.

I co-moderate a group of well over 1000 fellow farmers and you will find
widely different views. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree, but we
don't have to get personal as you have repeatedly done with putting
others down as less experienced, less knowledgeable, than you claim to
be. Just because someone supports the status quo does not mean that they
are necessarily wrong. Just because someone wants change doesn't
necessarily mean its the right thing to do.

As President of our county amateur radio organization, I try and work
with the strengths of our members and promote our group as welcoming to
new members, plus had the opportunity to set up the first VE team many
years ago and teach many amateur radio classes in several communities
since I have been working in such capacities for decades. One of our
most difficult tasks a few decades ago was how to get disparate amateur
radio clubs and groups together for the common good. It took several
years, but enough of the leaders did what was right for amateur radio
and built a very strong bond with new and old members.

I like a good debate and I promote sifting and winnowing as much as
anyone (probably more). But only if it is reasoned and respectful and
not stooping down to name calling as you do. In fact, it is shown time
and again that those who name call, do so because they have no real
argument and are frustrated that they are losing the argument. And
people intuitively know that and those name callers are eventually
marginalized to the fringes where they belong.

Like many (most?) hams, I am skeptical that having extreme wide
bandwidth modes are a good idea on any of our HF and lower VHF bands. On
the other hand, in our area, 6 meters is lightly used even though the
band plan would make it difficult to incorporate ultra wide bandwidth
modes without some reallocation to the plan.

Because 6 meters can open up to very long distances, including
worldwide, one has to be very careful about conflicting with other types
of activity. We can not use frequencies that are set aside for weak
signal, DXing, radio control, etc. The 6 meter repeaters take up a large
chunk of the band. The one area that looks the most promising would be
50.3 to 50.8 with some accomodation to digital packet at 50.62. We used
to have a number of 6 meter digital links here in the state but I think
most of those have been discontinued. But we can not just think of our
area since we could cause serious interference to other areas and even
regions if the bands open with Es and F layer propagation.

Rick, KV9U

John Champa wrote:
 > Rick,
 > Unless you have had the "opportunity" to lead such an effort, it
 > is you who should "knock it off".  Obviously you have never stepped
 > into the heat.  Lack the courage to lead, Rick?  So you too are writing 
 > a non-experienced position, non-leadership situation, just like my old
 > friend Bruce?
 > Putting up with nit picking, barracks lawyers like Bruce and his ilk of
 > ill-informed
 > narrow-minded Hams for four years is what made me bitter about many Hams.
 > I used to be a nice guy too! But I love this avocation.  It's  our 
 > refusal as
 > a group to adapt and  our anti-progressive head in the sand approach, 
 > (almost! HI) makes our dinosaurs' fate deserving.
 > See how quickly Bruce labels those who are trying to look ahead as
 > "elitists"!
 > He's afraid of change. And, I can't take his fear away.  And, if he won't
 > read
 > and try to comprehend, well, I have only so much time to try to help him
 > catch
 > up.  I have my own keeping up ti take care of, ya know (HI) ?
 > Like they say down here in  TX, you can lead a horse to water, but...
 > Thanks for the feedback, Rick.
 > Vy 73,
 > John - K8OCL

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