Hi Andy,

The FCC rules don't actually require changing WRT ALE other than to 
satisfy those that want to see things spelled out in black and white 
specifically approving or disapproving each and everyone little 
thing. This is not the intent of the FCC to constantly be updating 
the rules to specify all new things that come along in the world of 
technologies and practices. Instead they have written the rules to 
broadly cover everything as much as possible.

As an ARRL Official Observer station, my initial interpretation of 
the FCC rules WRT full ALE operations where questionable, even though 
I code the ALE software beginning with my efforts in support of 
MARS-ALE and now PC-ALE as well. You may even recall my exchanges 
with Bonnie on the subject via this forum, to the point where she 
just wanted to agree to disagree. I have never written an OO notice 
regarding any use of ALE and no other ARRL OO has even done so 
either, the reason being that the ARRL OO program and the FCC have no 
issues with Amateur Radio ALE operations, once that was clear to my 
satisfaction I took a much more active role in Amateur Radio ALE in 
addition to my MARS focus. So Rick can compile his list of questions 
and so can anyone else, however ALE is not new, it has been around on 
the Amateur Radio bands for over 10 years now, and written about in 
QST and QEX and the ARRL has a web page ( 
http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/ale.html ) on the subject and all things 
8FSK ALE is just fine with the FCC. That is not the case with all 
things MIL-STD-188-110x modem related (which many incorrectly assume 
is also ALE) under the present rules however, that modem and FS-1052 
found in PC-ALE or RFSMxxxx etc. is not legal for non image data transmissions

As I stated in my earlier message, due to all of its benefits and 
more ALE options, ALE in my opinion will become more common in ARS 
use, especially for ECOM, its application will leave that realm of 
the sophisticated user in the know and enter the realm of everyone 
having access to it if they are interested in it, PC-ALE and MultiPSK 
users of ALE are increasing daily, its legal, its an efficient 
propagation tool, its a wonderful BBS tool, after the ALE link any 
protocol can be used for follow on communications, its easy to use 
and its fun to use, its also on the Sound Device Modem which is the 
modem of choice for the ARS.

Anyhow, there are 2897 members of this forum of your Andy and I have 
challenge for everyone with a sound card interface, download the 
latest PC-ALE 1.062H Interim build, install and configure it and use 
it during the coming "ALE On The Air Week, October 5 - 15" starting 
this weekend. I will even be coming out from behind the C++ coding of 
the ALE tools to participate. Those not already configured had better 
get started as the clock is ticking, the more stations on the air 
with ALE the better it will be to stress test the Amateur Bands for 
those so called ALE negative effects, however I warn everyone, you 
may just get hooked on ALE! As this is a worldwide event, for those 
that love DXing, if you think Packet Cluster Spotting works, wait 
until you see real time DX station Soundings spotting where the given 
band you are Scanning is starting to open or dying, in near-real 
time, no Spotting Network or Propagation Tool can beat, one or more 
DX ALE Sounding stations in each country of the world depending on 
geographic area of the country would make for a fantastic world wide 
DXing tool, ALE is actually the most versatile HF communications tool 
yet devised and its just getting better and as Bonnie stated earlier 
newer ALE technology and techniques enable even higher efficiency 
levels, using very short bursts, and GPS synchronization... while 
maintaining backward  compatibility with the regular 2G ALE (141) 
that is the current defacto international standard.

I look forward to working stations this weekend, I will be running 
MARS-ALE and accepting AMD, DTM, DBM traffic ( my MIL-STD-188-110 
modem will be off. My KAM TNC will be enabled under MARS-ALE in 
PACTOR I as default, anyone who connects can send an AMD Orderwire 
message to switch it to GTOR and then initiate a GTOR link instead if 
they like using the following 12 character AMD message:


If you want to switch to another protocol after the ALE link, be glad 
to hit the release RESOURCES button ( frees Sound Card, CAT RS232 
port and maintains ALE link) to change over to any common Amateur 
Radio Sound Card protocol. Those using PC-ALE can do as well and 
depending on their interfacing for PACTOR or GTOR etc. may also need 
to hit the RESOURCES button for radio PTT access using a 3rd party 
tool for the control of their TNC/Modem.

See you all in the "ALE OTAW".

/s/ Steve, N2CKH

At 09:13 PM 10/2/2007, you wrote:
>Seeing how useful PC-ALE is, I have to imagine a time when that is how
>most HF communication is attempted.  If it requires brief "soundings"
>that are considered "unattended", then I say change the rules and
>allow brief 10-20 second  transmissions that are unattended in some
>portions of the bands.  It sure beats some of aimless wandering I have
>been doing with other calling methods.

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