--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Sholto Fisher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It can also clog up our bands.
> For instance I am monitoring a Pactor 2 transmission on 30m that has
been on 
> going for around 25 minutes so far and the latest email to go
through is 
> titled:
> <FW: Please read til the end-Why boys need parents...269250
> Do we really need 262Kb emails like this on HF????


Do we really need contests, ragchewing, voice qsos, voice nets, cw
qsos, cw nets,  on HF? Realy it all depends on what each individual
wants to do! Your millage might vary! It's a hobby OM! Each guys
pleasure might be someone else's discomfort, but when an emergency
arises then I think that everyone else's hobby needs must back off for
a while until the emergency is over. I think this is fair! When human
lives are in danger then everything else should be of a lower priority. 

73 de Demetre SV1UY

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