PAX and PAX2 can only handle the 6 bit ASCII character set. We would 
need at least a 7 bit ASCII character set for upper and lower case, 
control characters, etc. If you only wanted to use it for something like 
standard message traffic though it could be implemented since you can 
then use it across the lowest common denominator which means the 
characters that can be passed with CW.

One of the (many) interesting things about Multipsk is that it also has 
a 110 baud packet mode. Has anyone considered using this in place of 300 
baud? The biggest obstacle, of course, is that the hardware designs 
probably do not support the slower speed, but I think you will find that 
the slower speed will often allow traffic through that would have no 
chance at all with 300 baud.

Is anyone using this now or ever tried it but found it just did not work 
for out?


Rick, KV9U

José A. Amador wrote:
> I believe that nowadays 110 baud  (or 100 baud) should fare better.
> Sadly, PAX only passes unproto in Multipsk as modem (but maybe UI 
> packets are enough for TCPIP)
> I would have to reinstall JNOS and try with Multipsk.
> 73,
> Jose, CO2JA

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