At the risk of stirring an unwanted debate, I for one DO consider
repeated "join requests" as SPAM. Why? Mark has repeatedly joined
other "related" groups and immediately started gathering names from
that group to solicit memberships in his group. I do know, from
personal experience, that there have been many direct requests to Mark
to stop sending these requests, only to see the solicitation multiply
in number almost immediately. On Mark's own groups, he claims to be so
against SPAM, yet he is one of the worst abusers. The only surprise
that seeing his group shut down is the time it has taken for it to happen.

Most of us in these groups have enough intelligence to select the
groups and interests we want to participate in. Repeated
"solicitations" from a "related" group are in my opinion absolutely
nothing but SPAM.

I had joined his group at one time and most of the posts on the group
were nothing more than cross posts from here and other groups, often
by Mark himself. I really had no reason to receive the same
information 4 or 5 different times, just so I could get the info from
4 or 5 different groups. When I left his group, I asked repeatedly
that he stop soliciting me to rejoin. That has NOT stopped.

--- In, Rick W <mrf...@...> wrote:
> If it is true that Yahoo will just stop a group based on complaints, 
> then that is very troubling as it could happen to any group with 
> malicious activities by certain individuals making false claims.
> However, he indicated that he had no warning from Yahoo.
> As owner of another group that had Mark's posts at times, which were 
> repeated on various groups, the material he was presenting was not spam 
> that I saw, but directly associated with amateur radio, usually digital 
> radio.
> If you are referring to sending information to an individual to join a 
> group, is that spam when it is related to their interest area? I have 
> sent messages to specific individuals to join the HFDEC group when I 
> felt that they would be the type of hams who would find that of value.
> I admit that Mark was a major promoter of his specific digital 
> interests, but we each have our specific interests.
> 73,
> Rick, KV9U
> moderator, HFDEC (Hams for Disaster and Emergency Communications)
> James R. Gorr wrote:
> > Maybe it was because of all the spam requests sent to join their
> >
> >
> >

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