

I know for a fact that several members of this group (including myself)
complained directly to Mark about his REPEATED invitations (which he
ignored) so the complaints were forwarded to Yahoo.



Scott Gillis N3UJJ 
 <http://n3ujj.com/hamshack.html> My Hamshack
 <http://location.n3ujj.com/> My Current Location
 <http://weather.n3ujj.com/> My Amateur Weather Station


Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
~Abraham Lincoln~



From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:digitalra...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Rick W
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 09:07
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] illinoisdigital group


If it is true that Yahoo will just stop a group based on complaints, 
then that is very troubling as it could happen to any group with 
malicious activities by certain individuals making false claims.

However, he indicated that he had no warning from Yahoo.

As owner of another group that had Mark's posts at times, which were 
repeated on various groups, the material he was presenting was not spam 
that I saw, but directly associated with amateur radio, usually digital 

If you are referring to sending information to an individual to join a 
group, is that spam when it is related to their interest area? I have 
sent messages to specific individuals to join the HFDEC group when I 
felt that they would be the type of hams who would find that of value.

I admit that Mark was a major promoter of his specific digital 
interests, but we each have our specific interests.


Rick, KV9U
moderator, HFDEC (Hams for Disaster and Emergency Communications)

James R. Gorr wrote:
> Maybe it was because of all the spam requests sent to join their group.

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