I'm not sure about idiot proof, does it use the Microham device router
with audio switching?  If so, that always confuses me.  However, good
to see you join the Microham "club", I used the Microkeyer...one of my
best  ever ham investments .

Andy K3UK

On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 5:54 AM, Simon (HB9DRV)<simon.br...@kns.ch> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to give a big thumbs-up to the microHam USB Interface III -
> I've just set it up with my TS-480SAT, DELL M1330 laptop and HRD software
> for 6m digital operation. The microHam is idiot-proof and working nicely.
> It was a pleasure to meet Jozef from microHam at the Friedrichshafen show
> yesterday.
> Now for some serious dog-walking...
> Simon Brown, HB9DRV
> www.ham-radio-deluxe.com

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