Andy obrien wrote:
> I'm not sure about idiot proof, does it use the Microham device router
> with audio switching?  If so, that always confuses me.  However, good
> to see you join the Microham "club", I used the of my
> best  ever ham investments .
Actually I think Simon has been an advocate of the microham/microkeyer
for a while. Certainly I found out about them through his HRD pages and
a recommendation when the 897 first came out. Was my first CAT interface.

I'm not as keen on having to run the router software as a separate
process lately, and now use a simple cat only cable for ALE work with
Kenwood/Yaesu's. But if you need some of the unique features, I like the
micro* products. A good friend uses them even for dxpedition work.

Have fun,


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