On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 08:26:55AM +1300, Gmail - Kevin, Natalia, Stacey & 
Rochelle wrote:
> HI All,
> The SignaLink would not work with any data software even MixW I tried.
> DM780, MMSSTV, WinMor, MixW and a couple of others                   .
> I pulled all the cables out and re-inserted them. This is a USB device
> so there is no RTS or DTS to worry about. It was very plain and
> simple, plug and go (basically). The thing is it ran from the day I
> received it which was about 5-6 weeks ago. There have been no changes
> with the computer (to all programs), yes there have been the odd
> update for the likes of DM-780 and WinMor, but MMSSTV and MixW are the
> originals. So why a change to trigger the PTT from the SignaLink?
> I then went through the manual and found that pin 4 gives double the
> sensitivity to the PTT, which I then jumped and this did improve the
> PTT. BUT I am still at a loss why one day it was working fine and then
> the following days it has stopped. Maybe a line to Tigertronics see if
> they have any ideas (Unless they monitor here)

I had a SignaLink. It just died one day; cause unknown. One of these
days I may dig into it, if I haven't already trashed it -- which I
suspect I have. I now run a RigBlaster Pro, and have since the SignaLink
failed. It's more interesting to configure and connect, but Just Works 

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin 

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