John wrote:
> Thanks Jose ......
> Now with that cleared up, can you make those corrections / re-definitions to 
> your distributed documentation to reflect that it is indeed FSK rather than 
> spread spectrum? That little detail from you, the author of the program, is 
> what is causing such an uproar that is eliminating the use of your program on 
> HF frequencies here in the USA.

Oh dear, John,

If you think that the people that oppose this in your country will just 
roll over now that Jose has made a statement that ROS is no longer 
Spread Spectrum, then I think that you are in for a bad surprise...

In all my Amateur Radio life I have come to realise that some Radio 
Amateurs are intent on telling other Radio Amateurs what they (the 
others) can and cannot do.

ROS has stirred up the 'You cannot do that' crowd and they have gained a 
victory in getting someone to say that it is illegal.  The idea that 
Jose now says that it isn't what it was that he said it was originally 
will cut no ice with them, if I am any judge of the politics of Amateur 

The cry of 'It's illegal, it's immoral, or it makes you fat' has been 
raised and taken up by certain people who 'know best' what you all need 
to do in the USA.  Now they have 1st blood in that it seems that 
'someone' has come out and said it is illegal (whether or not they have 
the authority to say that is immaterial, someone with referent power has 
said it) and now you are on the defensive in trying to say that it was 
all a big mistake, Jose never meant to say what he said and it's all 
legal, honest...

Until the UK licence was effectively deregulated, we used to get these 
debates all the time.  In fact we still get them when people don't read 
the new conditions and refer back to old conditions, but that's just 
because it takes a while for some people to realise that the rules have 

Dave (G0DJA)

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