Hi Andy,

Dropped in to see if I needed to reply to anything from yesterday and I see 
that you really have a number of members on this forum that seem to have a lot 
of personal gripes and also make a lot of negative comments about BW and what 
is and is not appropropriate for use on Amateur Radio and I just have to say 
that it really amuses me a lot.

Those forum members that are really interested in the coming wave of Amateur 
Radio Digital Operating Methods don't just stop at learning about Software 
Defined Radios, start reading up on Cognitive
Defined Radios and don't for a second think that Automatic Link Establishment 
is not going to be part of the SDR and CDR future of Amateur Radio, it is going 
to very much be a big part of what is coming into being as I can't think of 
anything else up to the task.

The HF Spectrum will be radpidly scanned to indentify the stations of interest 
to link with and find the optimal frequency for propagation to establish the 
automatic link and exchange data at high speeds, you will see the ability to 
decode and display all the activity on a given chunk of spectrum during RX 
sweeps, get prepared as its coming sooner than you may think and I gather from 
comments made here, sooner than some my even want. 

Anyhow, off my soap box and back to my C++ hole.


/s/ Steve, N2CKH

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