
On 2023-07-21 11:55:10 +0000 Xavier <xav...@alternatif.org> wrote:

So let's move on and do something about this. IMHO GnuStep need an updated website at first, because current one looks old for young devs (even if we like it), it certainly doesn't help to think that GnuStep is MacOs Api -- I volunteer to work on this.

"It doesn't help"... well, I disagree, since it is. Of course, it is many things, so the old website was actually even more effective conveying this than the current one.

Also, beware, since we have a non-working wiki, a lot of things are messed up. I am thinking if duplication is he lesser evil than procratination.

I don't think them ost important thing is to cater young devs. A website should be neutral. TO be honest, we are not young and really "young" develoeprs look at completely different things for the quick gain thn the web and javascript FW things. THose who look beyond are alo capable of being interested in us.

There is tons of new projects published on Hacker News, all trying to attract users and developers. Just observe their websites :

- Nowadays all are shiny, "modern", moving, etc. Even if we don't like these designs it is what young devs expects. - Note that they don't need

Patrly true. THere are succesful projects whithout even a website, just a github presence! Or others who have captivating marketable pages which don't go anywhere.

screenshots, only an attractive presentation. - Similarily, documentations

Being a GUI and UX related projects (even if a big deal is actually our base library) screenshots help. Here too, there is no common success story. Check around, some projects just have a couple of images, other like to impress with lots of design details. I think we go in the middle. Before all our infrastructure waned into nil, I was about to use enhance the wiki pfr contributed images, which I presonally think are alwas neat. Correctly presented, who is not interested just skims over them

are often Sphinx based (or another tool). - All projects trying to attract young devs are managed from "modern" and new platforms -- GitHub of course,

There is the doc-tool-to-jour, like there is the build-toolto-hour. gsdoc and make will outlive them all :)

but also Gitlab and a few more that make it easier to contribute. Self hosting with a Github clone could be an option. It make sense because the environment looks familiar, while Savannah is kind of obsolete. Gitlab hosting is perhaps the best option.

We are (sadly) on github since ears. Savannah is really just legacy only and in the current update of the webpages (gnustep-www) this is very clear. Gitlab is really not better than github, so given the disadvantages are being shared, github at least gives you exposre and a known infrastructure.

Finally, I worked as a professional cooker ("le chef") for years. There is something that all experienced cookers knows : taste is mind constructed with various sensations and visual is the most important thing.

This is becoming a little off-topic as comparison, but your position is not shared by everybody. Visual is not the most important thing, at least not for everybody. Although an "ugly dish" is a no-go, it is not everything. The sensations come together from all senses, from memory, frome xpectations but at the end smell, taste and consitency are the real dish. Some people give high value to the perfect visual (dish, food look, menu loko, restaurant look, etc etc) otehrs are more down-to-earth. There is one-catch-all rule.If you have ever enjoyed "Ratatoiulle" film, then you know.


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