On 2/26/2011 4:27 PM, Mark Preston wrote:
Thanks very much for this. I have the downloaded set-up files now and
will think hard on whether to install it or not - it has to depend on
how heavily we need the system working over the next weeks.

If this remains an issue, I can see it being a major stumbling block
for places - such as mine - where there may be several users and a
need for continual document operations. Unfortunately that will mean
our primary target audience (to offices that currently use either
Microsoft Office or Open Office on Windows systems or networks).

On 26/02/2011 03:18, NoOp wrote:
On 02/21/2011 02:16 PM, Mark Preston wrote:
I'm about ready to load up LibreOffice and start running it for work
but have really one simple question before I do. Background is I will
be running it on Windows Vista, currently run OpenOffice and will be
using it near daily including with MS Office documents and presentations.

So the question is: can I load LibO side-by-side with OpenOffice and
if not what is the procedure to load LibO and - should there be
probelms - to reload OpenOffice? Most importantly, this is a
multi-user system so it needs to be loaded for at least three users.
Any advice much appreciated.

It's an issue:
For Windows users that have OpenOffice.org installed, we advise
uninstalling that beforehand, because it registers the same file type

The issue is that LO uses the same executables as OOo (swriter, etc) and
hasn't yet cleaned up the code to use something else (lowriter, etc).
This can cause *considerable* issues with OOo and LO coexisting on the
same Windows system. If you want to have both installed (on Windows -
it's no issue on linux) at the same time, then I'd suggest installing
'in parallel', see:

So at this point (on Windows) you are better off with either/or: OOo or
LO, but not both at the same time.

I've been running with both on Win7 for several months, primarily using LibO but occasionally OOo. I've had no problem at all with resetting file associations, it's just a matter of browsing to the soffice.exe that's in the desired directory. I didn't do anything special at all for installation, and I've had no issues of any conflicts with files created on one fork and used on the other. YMMV, but you probably needn't be paranoid about this.

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