jean-christophe manciot wrote
> 3) It is not always possible for the bug reporters to hand over their
> original file(s), for many different reasons that are beyond the scope
> of this thread (confidentiality, legal concerns and so on...).

I do not consider these reasons beyond the scope of this thread as most
documents can be effectively redacted using a few simple measures. This is
actually an important discussion. I understand that sometimes redaction is
not an option and in these instances other options are required.

jmadero wrote
> It's up to a user to report with clear steps and a simple test document -
> else it's just a
> waste of our time.

Joel, would it be worth having some step-by-step instructions on a wiki page
somewhere to assist users with the process of redacting their documents?
Usually a simple search / replace regular expression is enough for most
documents. A list of some before / after examples may also be helpful. I
have assisted users with this before on the alternate user forum. It is not
going to help in every instance, but even if it inproved a small percentage
it may be worth it.

Best wishes, Owen.
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