On 26/04/2016 12:46, mjollni...@laposte.net wrote:

> Is it correct to say that the Transitionnal OOXML format is not
> compliant with any international standard or norm ? Neither ECMA, nor
> ISO, nor anything but MS$ itself.

OOXML Transitional is not the standard format, but a tweaked version of
OOXML integrating bynary blobs and other non standard components, which
was supposed to help the transition from the legacy file formats to
OOXML Strict (which is the only standard file format).

> If so, Does this means that NO version of MS$ office (from 2010 to
> the actual) writes BY DEFAULT in a standardized or normalised format.
>  (cf.
> https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc179191%28v=office.16%29.aspx
> for default formats)

Yes. Every Microsoft Office version since 2007 defaults to OOXML
Transitional, implementing a slightly different version of the OOXML
Transitional non standard file format.

Only MS Office 2013 and MS Office 2016 implement OOXML Strict, with a
process that makes it virtually impossible for any normal user to get a
real OOXML Strict file format (the user should save the document using
the OOXML Strict option - listed as last of the "save as" options -
before writing a single character).

Because of this behaviour which intentionally prevents the creation of
OOXML Strict files, the number of OOXML Strict files available is close
to zero.

In addition, Microsoft fonts used as default by MS Office since 2007 -
known as C-Fonts or Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia and
Corbel) - can only be used by MS Office licensed customers, as they are
included in MS Office EULA, to add another level of incompatibility.

> Is anyone confident enough in his knowledge of OOXML to acknowledge
> this ? Maybe this place is not the best one to ask the question ? If
> so, would please somebody advice me the best place to post the
> question ?

I am confident enough to answer most questions about OOXML issues.

Please do note that after the UK decision on July 22, 2014, not even
Microsoft has dared to define OOXML as standard in public, because it is
perfectly clear that the file format is not standard and will never be a
standard (after nine years and four different implementations of OOXML
Transitional, which was supposed to last a maximum of two MS Office

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
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