Thought you might like to know that as far as I can tell, Authoxy has been
working flawlessly with our MS NTLM proxy server since my last posting on
9/23. I haven't even encountered either of the issues I mentioned then
(crashing system preferences, Authoxy messages window acting weird). I am
tickled pink that I'm finally a full-fledged member of our Microsoft
Network. Even if "they" don't think so.  :)

Once again, thanks, specially to Bruce who helped us nail down the problem
and to Heath for the crack programming. (If any of you on the list haven't
paid Heath for his work, do so! I did--even sent extra because $5 is a dirt
cheap steal.) We need to get Authoxy mentioned in MacAddict or MacUpdate or

Looking forward to the 3.1.2 final version.


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