Further to this issue (in case anyone is actually here ;-)

I was watching the log and I get lots of:

Feb  3 16:26:48 : Unexpected server response in NTLM authentication Step 2. 
Giving up.
Feb  3 16:26:49 : Unexpected server response in NTLM authentication Step 2. 
Giving up.

prior to authoxy actually dying.

I believe these events correspond to images or links that are blocked by our 
webserver (know spyware, blocked hosts etc.)



On Thursday, February 03, 2005, at 11:22AM, Steve Hodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Further to this problem:
>Browser (Safari in this case) posts NSURLErrorDomain =-1011 and Authoxy log 
>Feb  3 11:19:19 : Fatal Error: unable to create shared memory
>On Thursday, February 03, 2005, at 11:06AM, Steve Hodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>   I've been using Authoxy for some time here at work, where almost 
>> everything is MS based including our procy server. In the past I had 
>> occasional problem with pages not being served and the web browser giving an 
>> error..I would then have to reboot because no combination of stop/start 
>> authoxy, log in or log out or changing locations and then back again would 
>> get the proxy to serve me pages again. Later versions of authoxy 3.11, 3.12 
>> seemed to be better in this regards, killing and re-spawning threads seemed 
>> to work. Now it's gone back to the old behaviour...I can get anywhere from 5 
>> to 30 mins working and then *boom*.
>> It is conceivable that our IT dept upgraded the server and there are version 
>> issues (e.g. a timeout maybe) Has anyone else encountered this and found a 
>> possible solution?
>>Stuck using Mac IE 5.xx right now and none of the other internet apps work 
>>without Authoxy working well.
>>i wish Apple would build an NTLM auth module into the OS...Mac is practically 
>>useless without Authoxy.

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