> Forget about that immediatly! I checked for e in the callback of a 
> load() function which causes that strange behaviour...
> Seems to be a closure problem: The parameter of the outer function gets 
> not into the scope of the inner closure, which I thought it would do:
> $(this).click(function(e) {
>      $(this).load(url, function() {
>          // where's e?
>      });
> });
> Can somebody explain that to me?
> I can get away with:
> $(this).click(function(e) {
>      var trueClick = e.clientX;
>      $(this).load(url, function() {
>          // trueClick is here of course...
>      });
> });

It looks like the event object referenced from the closure is changed or 
"deleted". jQuery shouldn't be responsible for that, though it does some 
cleanup (from event.handle):
if (jQuery.browser.msie) event.target = event.preventDefault = 
event.stopPropagation = null;

I wonder if that cauld cause the problem you are experiencing.

Jörn Zaefferer

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