> It's keLvin but that's OK :)
sorry keLvin, mea culpa!

> This must be the most requested feature for the plugin. It's 
> something I originally thought unnecessary but since there 
> has been so many requests for it I am willing to implement 
> it. When I next get a free couple of hours I'll look at 
> adding it in...
yippy! saves me a bunch of time, analyzing and understanding your code in

> I did this earlier this week. Check through the plugin's page 
> ( http://kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/ ) and you 
> will find an example (basically when you initialise the 
> datePicker you pass in a 'firstDayOfWeek' - this allows 
> different datePickers on the same page to start on different 
> days of the week (if you so desire).
ok, very nice. exactly what i want.

so all my datepicker-wishes comes true. that's a good point to go to bed. 
tanks a lot & good night,


ps: your flickr wanaka winter pics are breathtaking!

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