Hi Stefan,

devsteff [c] wrote:
> hi community and kevin luck,

It's keLvin but that's OK :)

> first i must thank kevin you for his great datepicker. it's really fantastic
> and fits perfect into my project (even the css :)). 

Glad you like it!

> but unfortunately he
> forget the "old world" in his predefiend dateFormats versions. here in
> swiss, austria, and german is the "." the regular dateFormat separator. so
> i've changed your plugin a bit and made the formatting/parsing of a date a
> bit more generic. 

Sorry - didn't mean to leave anyone out! Thanks for your patch, I've 
reviewed it and added it into the plugin. This does mean that anyone who 
upgrades the plugin and who is setting a date format will need to edit 
their code but it adds a great deal of flexibility.

> if you find this patch usefull, pls. commit it into the SVN. 

Done :)

> btw, i have some feature requests:
> 1) i need the ability to select a date in the far future (life insurance
> finalization date ~ +20 years, that should not be on weekend, so i need to
> lookup into the calendar). i.e. year paging as well as month paging or
> direkt year selectiong (select box)

This must be the most requested feature for the plugin. It's something I 
originally thought unnecessary but since there has been so many requests 
for it I am willing to implement it. When I next get a free couple of 
hours I'll look at adding it in...

> 2) the possibility to set the weeks startday for example to sunday

I did this earlier this week. Check through the plugin's page ( 
http://kelvinluck.com/assets/jquery/datePicker/ ) and you will find an 
example (basically when you initialise the datePicker you pass in a 
'firstDayOfWeek' - this allows different datePickers on the same page to 
start on different days of the week (if you so desire).

> did you (kevin) plan something like that? if not, i will take this version
> and start a branch...
> regards stefan

Thanks for the feedback and the patch!

Kelvin :)

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