Of course girls too (isn't that implied in guys?).
What do you mean the by UTF-8 contains all characters? UTF-8 does not
contain the danish letter æ,ø, and å. ISO 8859-1 does. Anyway I usually
develop apps with .NET but this particular projects is in PHP and I haven't
seen any functions to iso encode with but I think I'll write my own little
function. That seems to be the only way.

If the charset is define to iso 8859-1 and I use normal post I don't have
this problem...
Thanks anyway.

On 2/5/07, Fil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

@ Jon Ege Ronnenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :
> Hi guys!

and girls too !

> I need to handle danish characters which can be found in the iso 8859-1
> specifications but jQuery use encodeURIComponent which always encode to
> UTF-8 (doesn't contain the danish characters).

On the contrary UTF-8 *does* contain all characters. And using
encodeURIComponent() is the only consistentway of passing accentuated data
in XHR.

What you need to do (if you can do it, that is) is to re-encode your data
into ISO-latin, server-side, when it arrives.

If you cannot do it, then you might try escape instead of
encodeURIComponent, but you'll need to test it everywhere.

-- Fil

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