Hi, Marshall...

Thanks for identifying the specific problem.

I was seeing the problem in IE 7, but after
taking out all CSS stylesheets, the problem
went away.

Here's my page without the CSS:

Nice little demo you rigged up there, too!
Slick little "Toggle bottom margin and padding"!

Thanks for your help!


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Marshall Salinger
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 6:25 PM
To: 'jQuery Discussion.'
Subject: Re: [jQuery] FW: Why are my graphics "jumping"?

Hey Rick,

I noticed the jump in IE 6. I assume that is the browser that you are
viewing the bug in. At first, I thought you were referring to the slight
jitter that occurs while both animations are occurring, which is
addressed by John's fix.

The bug is actually an IE css bug related to the default browser margins
on the ul tags. Rather than using a bottom margin to space the ul's, you
should use bottom padding instead. 

I have posted an example that doesn't jitter in IE 6 with the
appropriate css to cancel out the browser defaults. I am not seeing any
issues in IE 7 with either padding or margins and this code.


I hope this helps.


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